Metal Plated Warrior

Summary of Student Research

by Niles J.

Metal Plated Warrior

The metal Plated warrior was an automaton design that was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci sketchbooks were found in 1950s and in the book he said “to have displayed the machine at a celebration hosted by Ludovico Sforza at the court of Milan in 1495. The robot knight could stand, sit, raise its visor and independently maneuver its arms, and had an anatomically correct jaw.”Since the discovery of his folder the robot has been built off of Leonardo's design. It to be found out that it was found to be fully functionable.The robot is described as being clad in Germany-Italian medieval armor, and is able to make several human-like motions. It is partially a result of Leonardo's anatomical research in the Canon of Proportions as described in the Vitruvian Man. The date of the design and possible construction of this robot was 1495 ... Beginning in the 1950s, investigators at the University of California began to ponder the significance of some of da Vinci's markings on what appeared to be technical drawings ... It is now known that da Vinci's robot would have had the outer appearance of a Germanic knight. When it was built they displayed it in a european museum and turned out to be fully functional.