
student created summary:

by William M.

Hiro The Robot

student created summary:

by David W.

The robot named Hiro is a robot thats job specialty is a technician.Hiro is human interactive.It is voice recogniseable,processes images,and includes safety tools.It is able to pick up items that are 20 km.Hiro is also considered a humanoid.It is designed to use tools and is made to assist humans.It was constucted.

The HIRO Human Interactive Robot is specially designed by Japan's Kawada Group in 2009, he was created to work well with humans, and also because the company believes that it is necessary to challenge roboticists to create a new generation of robot technology that will lead to save human/robot work environments.

Here are some of HIRO’S Characteristics,

Body: His body is white with a Head, Arms, Torso, but he doesn't have any legs.

Brain: The brain of the robot is inside the head of HIRO, and when his sensors sends something to his brain, well the information is inside his head.

Sensors: He has a sensors on his Head, like humans they are like eyes. Also, he has sensors on his arms so when he works he knows what he is doing.

Actuator: The robot doesn't move on ground, but he moves on a metal plate and there is a tube on where he can move his body 360°.

Image result for hiro the robot

Program: HIRO’S program is called OpenHRP, a software maintained by [General Robotix Inc.].

Behavior: Like any other Robots his program tells the robot what to do.

HIRO is a Humanoid robot which means that he looks like a Human and can act like us. Researchers need to understand the human body structure and behavior to build and study humanoid robots like HIRO. Besides the research, humanoid robots like HIRO are being developed to perform human tasks like personal assistance, where they should be able to assist the sick and elderly, or dirty or dangerous jobs, and they are becoming famous to entertain people too. HIRO is one of the first robots to think on his own, he can remember only basic knowledge, and he can apply that knowledge to its immediate situation, and once it recognizes it doesn't know how to do something, it can tap into

the Web or the neural network. From there, it will l

earn, and keeping the information it might need to know in the future to complete similar tasks.

Image result for hiro the robot