
Grayson F. 2/8/2022

Sharklet is a material that has a microscopic design on its surface. This design is of a diamond repeating over and over again. This design prevents Bacteria from sticking to the surface of sharklet.

Sharklet hasNo noticeable difference to the naked eye because the pattern Is microscopic. Sharklet was made because bacteria is everywhere and Some of that bacteria is harmful and we don't want it to be in Certain places. Like hospitals full of sick people who have a Recovering immune system.

Sharklets whole design is based around its Structure and how it will repel bacteria because of its diamond shape design. Sharklet got its design and name off of sharks with sharks skin being a specific pattern that stops the shark from having bacteria on its skin.

Sharklet is resistant to bacteria forming colonizing or transferring to the sharklet. Sharklet could be used in many different ways, some being already imagined by the creators and other scientists like in hospitals.

Other ideas are in rocket ships so not infectious space bacteria could come back to earth. Or in the human body to repel harmful bacteria. Another idea is on door knobs or in rooms of people who are bacteria prone. Sharklet will solve the problem by reducing the chance of people getting bacteria infections well in the hospital because of its non-stick properties to bacteria. This will reduce the amount of necessary death from bacterial infection.

With sharklet it has great benefits like less bacteria in hospitals which leads to less unnecessary deaths to HAI (hospital acquired infections) . Some limitations are the fact it is owned by private owners who aren't selling publicly at this time and only individuals