


The history of the Transformers started on June 7,2009 when the first movie of the series was released that lead to 4 other movies.

A Transformer is a robot in some way with A body sensors actuators and behavior. But ist is missing two of the six attributes to be able to be a robot. The two attributes the Transformers are missing are a Brain and a Program.


The Body of the Transformers is Metal, Glass, and Wiring.


The Transformers don’t actually have a brain that controls the movement


The sensors the Transformers have are there eyes.


The Actuators the Transformers have are in the joints wherever it moves/bends.


Although the Transformers don’t have a program they kind of act like they do like the autobots trying to save the all spark the source of their power or the decepticons trying to kill the all spark.


The Behavior of a Transformer varies between them some want to kill the all spark some want to save it and some of them just don’t care for it.

History of BumbleBee

By Jacob C.

Bumble Bee is a transformer that was is the movie Transformers by Michael Bay that came out July 2007. In the movie, BumbleBee was found by a teenage kid that was looking to buy his first car. When he was found Bumblebee was hiding as a 1976 Chevrolet Camaro before he changed into a newer model of the car. Bumble Bee is not from Earth because he comes from a planet called Cybertron. BumbleBee is very skilled when it comes to fighting. BumbleBee is very small and has excellent speed helped make him a great fighter.

Image result for bumblebee
Image result for bumblebee

Although BumbleBee looks a lot like the transforms a robot, it is not. BumbleBee has a brain, a body, sensors, actuators, and a behavior but there is nothing programing him. BumbleBee can make his own decision and can do stuff robots can’t do. Not only that but BumbleBee comes from a different planet making him a alien instead of a robot.
