
Pepper is a robot created by Softbank in Japan and only 1000 of them went into stores costing £1,000 plus a £125 monthly fee. Within one minute they were completely sold out. Pepper is a humanoid robot that is able to express feeling and sense emotions. It can read facial expressions, words, and surroundings. Those senses affect Pepper’s behavior and it can use it’s sensors to formulate emotions, similar to human stimuli. Pepper can variate its voice and convey emotions that way or with body movements. Pepper has 200 apps that are available for download. Pepper Diary is an app that records Peppers activities and the more it is used the more points are earned. The points are used to unlock other applications. Pepper was designed to be an alternative to human care workers, and they are working on a new version for business work. Pepper has a cloud-based artificial intelligence system that can analyse gestures, expressions and voice tones. Pepper also can be interacted with easily Softbank stated that you could talk to it like a friend or family member. It is expected to be able to help the aging population and replace human workers in certain jobs to save money. Pepper is said to be creating a new way of living that is a promising reality and can enhance human lives.

by Karis A

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