

Summary of Student Research

by: Kyle J.

History of Jaegers

What do you do when the Earth is being destroyed by a bunch of genetically created monsters from another planet/realm/dimension/whatever? Build giant robots to kill them of course. In the movie Pacific Rim, the people did so after the Kaiju, the monsters, came through numerous portals in the Pacific ocean. The first one (Trespasser) came through and destroyed San Francisco, Sacramento, and Oakland. Then Hundun got to Earth and laid waste to Manila in The Philippines which was followed by Scissure annihilating Sydney, Australia.

The robots in pacific rim are called jaegers . They were made in order to defeat Kijus. Jaegers are not technically robots because they are controlled by people, but I am going to talk about the ways they are like robots. First of all they have actuators, which means they move. That is the first way that they are like a robot. The next way they are like robots is that they have a body. The next way there like a robot is that they have behavior. Behavior is what the robot does in this case the jagers behavior is to kill kijus. The fourth way that they are like robots is that they have a brain of some sort. In this case the JAegers have a human brain and a robotic brain. The human brain gives the instructions and the robotic brain interprets them. The last way that Jaegers are like robots are that they have sensors.

Image result for pacific rim jaeger size

That's all great and stuff but let's get back to the robots. The robots were called Jaegers. They were basically giant robots that were the size of the Kaijus. Well, they weren't exactly true robots. They were remotely controlled by two people. The robot would mimic the motions the humans would make inside the Jaegers heads. Before we talk more about that, I’ll talk about what makes Jaegers robots.

First of all, Jaegars do have brains. Even though they don’t need to take in programs, they still need something inside their giant metal heads to enable them to copy the movements from the Jaegar pilots. The pilots are the Jaeger's programs and the robots need to be able to respond and act based on their “codes”. Also, Jaegers obviously have bodies. That giant piece of metal squashing the head of a giant lizard, that’s a body, duh! All robots need bodies to follow the program sent to them and Jaegers are no different. Jaegers have arms, legs, torsos, head, everything that a body needs. Now for the articulators, Jaegers legs let the robots move around. Typically, when the Jaegers fight the Kaijus, the robots do a lot of the fighting with their arms which are also considered as articulators. When the pilots move their arms and legs around, the Jaeger’s articulators mimic the motions from the pilots so the Jaeger is as only as lethal and effective as it’s pilots. Jaegers have all sorts of sensors too. They have area scanners that scan the area around them to locate enemies near them. When the scanners pick up something, they alert the pilots so that they can respond. Also, the Jaeger’s brains have sensors to detect the pilots movements so they can copy them and use their special weapons if necessary. Jaegers also have sensors inside them to tell the pilots the condition of the Jaeger. If its been beat up a bunch, then the sensors can tell the pilots the the Jaeger is in critical condition. Finally, we’ve reached behavior. Obviously, the Jaeger’s behaviors are based off their pilots and what’s even more obvious is that the Jaeger’s behaviors are fighting and killing Kaiju and protecting the major cities that were being attacked. What’s more to say. Below, in the picture are some of more known and shown and famous Jaegers.

The jaegers have sensors so they can detect things behind them that the people that control them can’t. Those are all of the ways that Jaegers are like robots

Image result for pacific rim jaeger size