Home Robots

by: Grayson H.

Domestic robots are simply robots that have been programmed to function in a household setting and they are generally only programmed to carry out one function. These robots also usually have some way of moving about the household to better perform their task and make them easier to use. While these robots are usually created for those people who search for ease and laziness, these robots can also be utilized by the elederly or disabled to greatly enhance their lives. These robots have also cut down their costs as the years pass because the technology becomes much easier to produce.

The very first attempt to make a domestic robot ever created was in 1982 and was named the HERO, the Healthkit Educational Robot. This robot was not a useful creation, it retained a very low range of movement and functionality along with an extreme price. As technology progressed, this robot gradually became usable. Dozens of other domestic/home robots have been created in all fields of work such as cooking, drink delivery, house cleaning, lawn mowing, gutter cleaning, etcetera.

Domestic robots, though they have made much progress, are still being used less than they could have because of the people not trusting robots. Fictional movies such as the Terminator series cause mistrust, and for good reason, these robots would live in one’s house with the person. But, despite this, domestic robots are being more and more integrated in the common household. These robots even usually fit our definition of what a robot is because they contain sensors, a brain, a program, a body, actuators, and a behavior dictated by their program.
