Electrical Technology

The technology of producing, storing, controlling, and getting work from electrical energy.

Electrical technology is the production, storage, transmission, and control of electrical energy. It also deals with getting work from electrical energy. In other words transforming electrical energy into other forms of energy, like light, heat and mechanical energy.

Electronics is the use of small amounts of electricity to communicate and process information. This is a specialized sub-set of electrical technology that focuses heavily on the control of electricity. Most electronic components will be found under Electronic Controls.

Subpages (8):

Electrical Circuits Electrical Controls Electrical Loads Electrical Paths Electrical Sources

Electricity Ohm's Law Soldering

Electronics Presentation

Electrical Technology – The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting and getting work from electrical energy.


Producing Electricity - The process of generating electrical power from other sources of primary energy. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. His basic method is still used today, electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_gene...

Storing Electricity - A rechargeable battery, storage battery, secondary battery or accumulator is a type of electrical battery which can be charged, discharged into a load, and recharged many times, while a non-rechargeable or primary battery is supplied fully charged, and discarded once discharged. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rechargeable_bat...



Transmitting Electricity -


Converting Electricity into Motion -

Converting Electricity into Heat -

Converting Electricity into Light -


Controlling Electricity -