
History Of Robotics: Curiosity

by: Abigail F.

The Curiosity Rover landed on Mars on August 6th, 2012. The rover is 10 feet long, 9 feet wide, and 7 feet tall, which is pretty big for a rover to be sent to Mars. The rover was sent out to discover and learn more information about the environment and maybe find signs of life. This was a big deal because; “ the rover carries the biggest, most advanced suite of instruments for scientific studies ever sent to the martian surface.” This rover sends back loads of new information, and is helping us to understand Mars better.

The Curiosity Rover is a robot. IZt is a robot because it has all 6 components of one. The rover has a brain that receives signals from earth/satellites telling it what to do. It has programming telling it to explore. The rover has sensors to pick up on possible new life and obstacles. Its behavior follows the programming. And the wheels are its actuators. All of this is inside the body made up of different metals and materials.

    • Has wheels: actuators

    • Has a brain: receives signals from earth/satellites to tell the robot where to go

    • Has sensors to pick up on if there are and forms of life on mars

    • Body made of metals and stuff, approximately 9ft by 10 ft

    • Programed to move around and explore mars

    • Behavior: the robot follows the instructions sent to it from earth

    • “ the rover carries the biggest, most advanced suite of instruments for scientific studies ever sent to the martian surface.”

History of robotics

by: Josue R.

The opportunity robot is a robot that is used in mars to discover facts scientists need about mars.Because of the invention of the robot opportunity it has created more rovers to roam on Mars to discover interesting facts earth has no idea about.The robots mission has been completed in 2018,February 13 and is not used anymore.It traveled a distance of 28 miles before it’s mission was complete.Because of the invention of the mars robot the us has sent more probes to Mars to discover more things to discover on Mars so the human population could live there in the future.The goal of the was to find some form of water on the planet earth but after 13 years of looking the opportunity robot had finally fined water and is not used anymore because of its successful mission.

NASA is still holding out hope for the Mars Opportunity rover

The opportunity robot has done a lot of stuff for earth but the real question is, is it a robot using the 6 characteristics.The opportunity robot is not considered a robot because it has about 4 characteristics.The robot has a clear moving body and wheels that’s why it was able to discover water on Mars.The opportunity robot has a brain to tell the robot when to move and cause of the brain breaking it has a backup brain to continue its mission until the mission has been completed.The robot has sensors to tell the robot where to go and were not to go so it doesn't hit any walls or rocks on mars.Its program tells the robot to take pictures of anything creative or new and send it back to earth to research and see it was the object or thing they were looking for.The mars robot has many actuators that's why it’s able to move around Mars to complete its mission.But sadly the Opportunity robot is not a robot because it does not have a behavior and it is controlled by NASA, telling NASA were to go and were not to go for the robot to move.That’s why Opportunity is not considered a robot.

Fresh water traces on Mars