
Domestic Robots-Navibot

In this day and age robots are now becoming relatively advanced and can be used for different occupations, from doing mundane work to saving others, or simply to watch over people or be used for entertainment, some even for simple amenities like cleaning. These robots are referred to Domestic robots, as the name says, they are made to follow the orders of the owner which as stated before, range from cleaning to entertainment. These “domestic” robots are relatively common as most people don’t want to clean, or strive for entertainment. A few real life examples of domestic robots would be smart doorbells, a Roomba, Alexa, google home, and a few other types of Domestic robots.

Image result for Navibot

The division of occupations that deal with automation I’ll be going over is, cleaning, the specific robot I’ll be going over is the Navibot, which specializes in automating vacuuming. The Navibot is a circular robot with a height of 9.3 CM and a diameter of 35 CM. It works similar to the Roomba as it first finds the dimensions of your house, then gathers the data for later possible cleaning sessions. The colors can range from black to cyan, or silver depending on the version and color you choose.

Image result for Navibot inside

In my opinion I would not get the Navibot for a few reasons. One of the main reasons I wouldn’t get the Navibot is because it’s not exactly the most accurate at cleaning, and also struggles to pick up particles of varying sizes. The second reason I don’t want to get the Navibot is because of the cost, it goes at around $145 and I don’t exactly have that much, even in the future I would rather use that for food and more useful things. The last reason I don’t want the Navibot is due to the fact that I’ll get lazy, or used to not having to clean the floors.