
by Jacob C.

R2-D2 was a droid he was a spunky very smart device. He went out of his order sometimes. He did more than what his program was supposed to do. He starred in the movie Star Wars. He was in every star wars movie. This was a very intelligent robot he was a huge roll in a lot of people's lives. R2D2 meets the 6 characteristics of being a robot and here’s why. The droid has a body it has mass and takes up space unlike a simulation. And this bot has a “brain” it works off a program. The little ball in the front of his body is the “eye” as known as the sensor so it knows where it’s going. R2D2 runs of energy like any other thing he runs off an actuator. Last but not least all robots have a behavior some run good and some don’t if they don’t work the way you wanted them to that means they are faulty. Whoever created R2D2 really impacted the world of robots forever.

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