
by Walton N.

Atlas one of the worlds most technological advance robots. Taking advantage of the 3D printing technology to save weight and be more rigid

Built in November 16, 2017 Atlas was one of the first most technologically advanced robots able to jump and even do flips. The first of its kind before we had asimo the robot made by honda which could walk up stairs but less efficient and less success rate. Atlas was one of the first robots to use LiDar and stereo vision with hydraulic movement. Atlas uses its vision to determine rough terrain and learn to navigate by itself

Summary of student research

by: Brandon N.

History Of Atlas

For decades we humans have tried to develop better and better robots to help make life easier for us humans but in 2016 Boston Dynamics have created the most humanoid robot to this date and that is Atlas.

Atlas has a Payload of a 11 pounds, weighs 75 kg and is 1.5 m in height. Atlas was created by Boston Dynamics which has created other types of robots to help aid humans in war or in other things. Atlas was created in 2012 and was 3-D printed to save space and weight.

Now is Atlas is a robot? Lets see the characteristics of a robot. Does Atlas have a body? He does, Atlas has 28 joints to move the torso, arms and legs to move accordingly and efficiently. Does Atlas have a brain? Atlas does have a brain, the people of the Boston Dynamics company program the robot to do certain things like open doors, move, pick up heavy things and get up when fallen. Next, Does Atlas have sensors to see? Atlas does have sensors to see? He does come with sensors, he uses LiDar and Stereo sensors to pick up things around him. Lidar sensors uses many lasers to shoot out to touch things to detect the things around him. The next characteristic is actuators and Atlas has that characteristic because it can move pretty well, Atlas actuators are hydraulic movements. Atlas has a Program that he runs on, that is why he moves pretty well and reacts to certain things. Last but not least, Atlas has a certain behavior that makes him a robot. He moves a certain way and does things a certain way that makes him a robot.

Image result for atlas robot

Atlas has 28 joints allowing it move freely with its maximum payload of 11kg it weighs 75kg powered by battery this robot is really the future of robotics

Image result for atlas robot