Engineering Student Association (ESA)

Meetings are scheduled every other Friday 7-8 am, during AE, in the engineering lab (ST112).

ESA is a career & technology student organization for students at Dakota Ridge High School.

The mission of the Engineering Student Association is to:

For all students enrolled in a computer science, robotics or engineering class, you are automatically a member.

These students will get a t-shirt and are eligible to run for a leadership role (see below).

      Students who have completed a CTE course in the past can remain members and hold elected leadership roles.

Other students can choose to join and participate as well and can hold an appointed leadership role.  

Link to New Team Website 

Showing off the re built 1799 T-Shirt Cannon

ESA student prepared for the Homecoming Parade 2017

Elected Officers

President - The president is the leader of the organization.  The president needs to be a person that will promote and support the mission of ESA.  This person is responsible for organizing, leading, and preparing extra-curricular STEM activities for DRHS.  The president is the representative and spokesperson for ESA when communication with the school administration, councilors, and staff.

Jace Johnson (5/6/2023 - 5/10/2025)

Tori Field (9/1/22 - 5/5/2023)

Amber Jessop (10/1/2021 - 6/1/2022)

Gabe DeSilva (10/1/2020 - 6/1/2021)

Torin Pellegrini: Co-President (10/1/19 - 6/1/20)    

Ryan Jugemyer: Co-President (10/1/19 - 6/1/20) 

Ricky Kennedy (9/22/17 - 6/1/18)

Vice President - The vice president is the assistant to the president.  The vice president would be the person to step into the president's role when he/she is not available to do the job.  This person needs to be a promoter and supporter of STEM education and the mission of ESA.  The vice president is responsible for running events, recruiting members, and back-up for president.

Grayson Fink (5/6/2023 - 5/10/2025)

Nick Wiechert (9/1/22 - 5/5/2023)

Joe LeMier (10/1/2021 - 6/1/2022)

Russell Dame  (10/1/2020 - 6/1/2021)

Phillip Casey  (10/1/18 - 6/1/19)     

Ryan Osborn (9/22/17 - 6/1/18)

Treasurer - The treasurer is the person in charge for making the organization financially responsible. The treasurer ensures that the organization creates and maintains a budget.  The treasurer documents deposits and expenditures so that they can provide an accurate accounting of all the money for the organization.  The treasure should always be able to answer questions about how much money has been spent and is still available.  The treasure should lead the planning for fundraising activities.

Cody McKibben (5/6/2024 - 5/10/2025)

Kesler Ratke (5/6/2023 - 5/10/2024)

Joe LeMier (9/1/22 - 5/5/2023)

Tori Field  (10/1/2020 - 6/1/2022)

William Chase Stemmons - Appointed Treasurer

Secretary - The secretary is the officer of the organization that makes sure there are clear records of all activities.  The secretary is responsible for writing a monthly statement of the organizations activities.  The secretary is responsible for saving, sharing, and filing all documents of the activities of the organization.  The secretary should lead all grant writing and completion applications (field trips, events, activities).   The secretary should also oversee the creation of  certificates of recognition and thank you cards when appropriate.

Joe LeMier (5/6/2023 - 5/10/2024)

Grayson Houghton  (10/1/2020 - 6/1/2022)

Liam Walter (elected 9/22/17)

Webmaster - responsible for updating the organizations website monthly with schedule, advertising, announcements, and uploading photos and videos.

Torin Pellegrini - Appointed Webmaster

Social Media Coordinator - The coordinator is responsible for maintaining a positive presence on social media and sharing announcements, photos and videos.

Cody McKibben - Appointed 9/16/2023 - 5/10/2024)

Ryan Jugemyer - Appointed Social Media Coordinator

Graphic Designer - responsible for overseeing the design of t-shirts, signs, buttons, flyers, and digital images.

Fillip Casey - appointed Graphic Designer

Photographer - responsible for producing, organizing, storing and sharing photos  within the organization.

Alexander Norby (elected 9/22/17)

Videographer - responsible for producing, organizing, storing and sharing videos within the organization.

Hunter Windsor - appointed Videographer

Each elected officer is expected to attend a weekly meeting and commit to at least 2hours of service per week.

In addition to elected officers there will also be appointed project managers and functional leaders who are responsible for specific projects or tasks.  Each competition team the organization supports will have a student project manager and as many functional leaders as is necessary.  These position will be appointed by faculty sponsors with the approval of the elected leadership of the organization.

Examples of appointed leadership positions:

FLL Project Manager

        Student mentor for each team

FTC Project Manager

Student Mentors for middle school robotics team

BEST Project Manager

        Technical Report Editor 

        Display Designer

        Robot Design Leader 

        Presentation Team Leader

Winter Robotics Camp Project Manager

        Robotics Camp Student Mentors

FRC  Project Manager

        Design Team Leader

        Strategy Leader

        Programming Leader

        Drive Team Captain



             Human Player

        Safety Captain  



             Structural Engineer

Summer Robotics Camp Project Manager

        Robotics Camp Student Mentors