Viking 1


by; Elijah A.

The significance of this robot was a lot because of what it was supposed to do and that it did that specific task. The Viking spacecrafts (1 & 2) was used to gather data from the surface of another planet during the year 1975. The significance of what this robot did gave a huge advantage in gathering data and experience in space travel and learning about other celestial bodies. The Viking 1 spacecraft managed to get to mars taking 10 months and collect useful data and then returned.

The body of the Viking spacecraft consisted of different types of metals and aluminum. The body of the spacecraft also had solar panels consisting of metals and glass. The Viking spacecrafts have a Sun sensor and a canopus star tracker.The brain of the Viking spacecraft had to be invulnerable to radiation and pretty durable just in case anything happened.. The actuators in the Viking spacecrafts are used for the propulsion mechanism and a few other mechanisms. The Viking spacecraft had programs that were able to maneuver it around objects in space and make it to Mars and back. The spacecrafts behavior was to make sure to avoid objects in space and find the quickest path to Mars and back.