Lego EV3 Brick

This one part of the Lego Mindstorm Robot Kit is a needed part of any robot you will create in this class. The EV3 Brick contains the microprocessor that will serve as the 'brain' of your robot. This microprocessor is an electronic computer, therefore the EV3 Brick is equipped with a rechargeable electrical battery. The EV3 Brick has a liquid crystal display screen and six buttons to allow your to control the microprocessor and run programming. There is a data port that will allow you to connect the EV3 Brick to a computer in order to download programs and upload sensor data. The brick also has 4 sensor ports and 4 motor ports so that it can collect information and control actuators. The EV3 Brick also has a speaker so that it can make sounds, music, words and play imported audio files. It also has an SD card port to explain its data storage and a USB port to allow non-Lego electronic components to be attached. The brick is designed with several mounting holes so that it can be attached to other Lego parts.