
Dakota Ridge High School CTE Advisory Board

Attendance: (33% educator - 66% industry representatives)

Chris Gray, Engineering Teacher

Tim Hoffert, Math & Computer Science Teacher

Yvonne Gray, Consultant & member IEEE

Scott Johnson, Comcast NBCUniversal

Allison Mackey, parent

Celina Wilkerson, DRHS alumni and DU engineering student


10 minute - welcome and introductions

20 minute - presentation of the current program

Mission, Proposals, Budget

30 minute - question & answer period

All participants can also provide feedback by email before or after the scheduled meeting


Mission - 1. Promote Engineering and Technology programs at Dakota Ridge High School.

2. Support teachers and students success in these courses.

3. Ensure rigorous and relevant curriculum implementation.

4. Promote extracurricular enrichment opportunities.



1. Implement Project Lead The Way - Starting 2018

(Intro to) Engineering Design 2018 / 19

Principles of Engineering 2018 / 19

Computer Science, Civil Engineering & Aerospace Engineering 2019 / 20

Digital Electronic & Engineering Design & Development 2020 / 21

Sustainability & Computer Integrated Manufacturing ???? / ??

comments: Is this for sure, paid for? Yes, we have a grant that will ensure we can pay for this.

Hands on activities are so important.

Will you be trained this year? I am already trained in IED, POE and DE.

2. Use robotics competitions to engage student and apply engineering skills.

FLL Mentoring - (outreach, education & recruitment)

BEST Robotics Fall Team (Sept-Nov)

Winter Robotics Camp - $200 for 4 days “Sumobots”(fundraiser & education)

FRC Spring Team (Jan - Mar)

Summer Robot Camp - $200 for 4 days “King of the Ridge” (fundraiser & education)

comments: FRC is natural outreach to other area of school. You should invite the neighboring high schools and charter schools to participate.

Can Elementary school level Jr. FLL teams also be supported by DRHS? Most likely. We can look into this as well.

3. Increase the value students gain for their time in engineering program.

CTSO for engineering and computer programming students.

Leadership oppertunities. Volunteer oppertunities.

Engineering T-Shirts, Homecoming Parade, SciFi Movie, Robotic Competition

Promote the program, support students, and provide enrichment activities.

Develop stronger working relationships with colleges and industry.

Field Trips, Guest Speakers, Donations/Sponsorships, Internships

Promote Jeffco and DRHS to offer STEM Graduation Endorsement.

comments: How can we get support from other departments to involve other students?

How can we identify other teachers in the building to get involved and training to teach engineering/robotics/programming.

Schedule summer activities for FRC - presentation, sponsorship, practice demonstrations, present to IEEE.

More Lockheed or Comcast professionals meeting with and showing students what they are doing.

Celina - I liked math and science but didn't know what to do with that.

DU students are working on the Grand Challenge - make solar energy more economical.

fun but a lot of work. get yourself ready. Give you a reason to take it seriously

DU Innovation space - basement (3D printers and other fabrication tools)

DU FIRST Robotics Team - went to Louisiana in April - FIRST World Championship

DU engineering student projects freshman year. catapult, mechatronics. traffic lights, etc.

Many DU students will be available Monday & Thursday afternoons. They could come and visit classes or help after school.

DU guest speakers once a month, DRHS student could attend.

DU New engineering building - tours

School Funding

+$11,000 DRHS Admin

+$6,000 Student Lab Fees

+$2,100 State CTE money

+$10,000 PLTW Grant - Year 1



Community Fundraising

+$200 ESA fundraising

+$6250 Current FRC Sponsorship levels

+$1-6k Winter Robotics Camp?

+$1-6k Summer Robotics Camp?

+$8,000 - $18,000


Engineering Expenses

-$6500 Vex Robotics Kits

-$2000 IED Equipment

-$2000 POE Equipment

-$6,000 Project Materials (consumables)

Including engineering t-shirts

-$3,000 PLTW Registration

-$3,300 3D Printers

-$4,600 Engineering Textbooks (60)



Robotics Expenses

-$500 BEST Robotics

-$500 FLL field & Registrations

-$5000 FRC Registration

-$3000 Robot Parts & Materials

-$2000 Tools & Equipment

-$2000 Team Spirit & Marketing

