friday, july 22, 1955

Convention Hall, Long Beach Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.

75 contestants (32 international - 43 miss usa) 

total international contestants (including miss usa): 33


entertainment: -


1  SWEDEN  Hillevi Rombin

2  EL SALVADOR  Maribel Arrieta Gálvez

3  CEYLON  Maureen Neliya Hingert

4  GERMANY  Margit Nünke (winner Europe '56)

5  JAPAN  Keiko Takahashi


Top 15

ARGENTINA  Hilda Isabel Sarli

BELGIUM  Nicole De Meyer

BRAZIL  Emília Barreto Corrêa Lima

CANADA  Cathy Diggles

ENGLAND  Margaret Rowe

GUATEMALA  Maria del Rosario Molina Chacón

HONDURAS  Pastora Pagán Valenzuela (World '55)

NORWAY  Solveig Borstad

USA  Carlene King Johnson

VENEZUELA  Carmen Susana Duijm Zubillaga (winner World '55)



Miss Friendship  EL SALVADOR

Most Popular Girl  ENGLAND



ALASKA  Lorna McLeod

CHILE  Rosa Merello Catalán de Sidgman

COSTA RICA  Clemencia Martínez de Montis

CUBA  Gilda Marín (3rd RU World '55)

ECUADOR  Leonor Carcache Rodríguez

FINLAND  Sirkku Talja

FRANCE  Claudie Petit

GREECE  Sonia Zoidou

ISRAEL  Ilana Carmel

ITALY  Elena Fancera

KOREA  Mee-chong Kim 

LEBANON  Hanya Beydoun

MEXICO  Yolanda Mayen

NICARAGUA  Rosa Argentina Lacayo

PHILIPPINES  Yvonne Berenguer de los Reyes

PUERTO RICO  Carmen Laura Betancourt

URUGUAY  Inge Hoffmann

WEST INDIES  Noreen Campbell (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad)


AUSTRIA  Edith Philipp

DENMARK  Karin Pamella Rasmussen

EGYPT  Gladir Leopardi

HOLLAND  Angelina Kalkhoven 

HONG KONG  Elaine Young (disqualified)


THE GUIANAS  Barbara Crum-Ewing

TURKEY  Suna Soley

INDOCHINA  Tep Kennary

HAWAII  Audrey Jennie Yvonne Garcia


ISRAEL  Galia Arkin

DEBUTS: Ceylon, Ecuador, Guatemala, Lebanon, Nicaragua

WITHDRAWALS:  Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Singapore, Thailand

RETURNS:  England (Great Britain), Venezuela


1- Vincent Trotta - Dean of America's beauty judges and formerly art director of Paramount Pictures.

2- Tom Kelley - Hollywood fashion photographer.

3- Ginny Simms - Singer.

4- Earl Wilson - Columnist from New York. 

5- Alberto Varga - Artist and creator of the Varga Girl.

6- Roger Zeiler, President of the Miss Europe contest.

7- Myrna Hansen - Former Miss USA and actress.

8- Robert Palmer - Casting director of UI Studios.

9- George Rony - Author.

10- Milo Anderson - Movie dress designer.

11- Samuel Heavenrich - Director of the Long Beach Municipal Art Center.