Checking Status of Bill-Later / Standing Order Titles Acquired Through EBSCO

A number of titles ordered through EBSCO are billed at the time of shipment instead of on the annual invoice.

Many of these titles are standing orders that are published irregularly.

Because these titles are not technically "subscriptions," it is sometimes the case that they fall through the cracks.

For this reason, it is helpful to check annually the list of "bill later" titles we receive through EBSCO and make sure we have the latest edition.

Generate a report of "bill later" titles on EBSCONET

Log in to EBSCONET

Reports => Standing Order/Bill Later Summary => Request/Retrieve => Request Report

The report should be ready the following day.

Download report and open in Excel.

Look up each title in Alma

If it looks like our holdings for a specific title are NOT are up to date, check publisher website to determine latest edition published.

If URI has not received or paid for the latest issue available, contact EBSCO and ask them to order us the needed volume(s).