Uploading Books

Instructions for uploading books to DigitalCommons@URI

Uploading to Issuu

Issuu.com is a free site that hosts newspapers, magazines, etc. in digital form. As we scan books from the Archives & Special Collections we are uploading them to Issuu, which can then be streamed through our DigitalCommons@URI site. (To see an example of what this looks like, see: http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/uri_annual_reports/4/)

To upload to Issuu, first log in at http://issuu.com. Check with Julia for the login if needed.

Go to “My Publications” to check what’s already there.

Click on “Upload” at the top, which brings you to a screen where you can drag-and-drop files.

Drag and drop the book PDF files from the shared server onto the Issuu site.

Uploading to DigitalCommons@URI

1. Find the PDF file of the book you want to upload.

2. On the shared server, the folders are organized by volumes, and they contain TIFF and PDF files. You will be uploading the PDF files of Beacon issues to DigitalCommons@URI (digitalcommons.uri.edu).

3. Log into http://digitalcommons.uri.edu and go to the series for the book you want to upload (Annual Reports are here: http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/uri_annual_reports/)

4. Click on “Manage Books” at the top of the screen. This takes you to the back end of the DigitalCommons@URI site.

5. Click on “Upload Book”

6. Then open a PDF from the Beacons folder. There should be a PDF for each newspaper issue. Copy all the metadata (descriptive info) from the scanned image into DigitalCommons@URI. Enter the following elements:

a. Description: A brief description of the item

b. Title

c. Author: If a URI publication, check off “corporate” and then enter "University of Rhode Island"

b. Publication Date

c. Volume

d. Issue

e. Publisher: “University of Rhode Island”

f. City: Kingston, RI

g. Streaming Media: Select media format “other rich media”; enter the URL of the volume on Issuu.com