Carla Espinoza


Biochemistry and Cellular Biology

Bachelor of Science

Revelle College

Milpitas, California

  • What does being a First-Generation College Graduate mean to you?

Being a first-gen college graduate fills me with a lot of pride. For both my parents, pursuing a higher education was not an option as they both had to drop out of school to start working. Thus, I always took education seriously, valuing it as the luxury my parents never got to obtain. There were obstacles in my journey to pursuing a higher education as I had no one at home to guide me. I had to carve out my own path in this unknown territory and although it was not easy, through my resilience and hard work, I was able to complete my undergrad degree at UCSD. I hope to inspire other first-gen, DACA students and help them realize that anything is possible and that they should allow themselves to dream big!

  • What is your proudest moment from your time at UCSD?

My proudest moment at UCSD was presenting at my first summer research conference. Public speaking has always been one of my fears so having to stand in front of my peers and do a 15-minute presentation on my research consumed me with anxiety and I spent days rehearsing my presentation. When it was the day of the conference and my name was called, I confidently walked to the front and the words flew out of me so naturally, just like I had practiced it. It was an exhilarating experience and a moment of growth for me. It was at this conference that I first began thinking that I had what it takes to go to graduate school. Because none of my family members pursued a graduate career, I had never really thought of it as a possibility for me. I always thought an undergraduate education was a huge accomplishment already and did not see myself going even further because I did not think I was good enough and because no one had ever had such high expectations of me. However, at this conference, I was able to gain a sense of confidence and pride in my work as a young scientist.

  • Who are the family members, friends or loved ones who have been most influential throughout your college journey? Are there any words of gratitude you would like to share with them?

My parents are my main motivation for everything I have accomplished. When I was 3 years old, we immigrated to the US from Argentina. My parents made so many sacrifices to give me and my brother a better life, to give us more opportunities. I would not be here today graduating college if it was not for them. My mom always tells me to dream big and I will continue following her advice as I continue my dreams into my PhD.

I would also like to thank my roommate Janki Patel who has been through all the ups and downs of college with me. We have been through the pain of writing a chemistry lab report together to the nerves that comes with grad school interviews to the joy that comes with acing a final. Janki pushes me to be a better person and a better student. I am lucky to have her as a best friend.

  • Who are the staff, faculty or mentors who have been most influential throughout your college journey? Are there any words of gratitude you would like to share with them?

My PIs, Dr. Rachel Dutton and Dr. Jerry Yang, have really empowered me and encouraged me throughout my time at UCSD. Prof. Rachel Dutton has always been an inspiration for me, as she is also first-gen. Prof. Jerry Yang provided me with a lot of encouragement when I was applying to graduate schools. Both of my PIs always believed in me; always pushed me to apply to different scholarships and present at different conferences. Their belief in me really helped me feel like I was capable of doing a lot more than I thought was possible of me. I am really thankful for them and I know I would not have made it this far without their support.

  • What do you plan or hope to do after graduating?

After graduating from UCSD, I will be attending UCSF in the fall for their inter-disciplinary biology PhD program. After my PhD, I hope to one day work in industry while also part-time lecturing at a community college and being involved with Latinx/first-gen initiatives.

Campus Affiliations

Campus Involvement

  • EducationCorps Tutor and Site Leader

  • General Chemistry Supplemental Instructor

  • Biology Teaching Assistant

Student Retention & Success Programs

  • Undocumented Student Services

  • Academic Enrichment Summer Programs

    • Eureka! Scholar

    • Genentech Scholar