White House Trump Tower

One fear trump's opponents have had is that Trump would replace The White House with a Trump Tower. This was never his idea. That means I am about to out Trump the Donald.

Our president is operating out of the shell of a 18th century farmhouse. This has to end. The US needs a purpose built facility for the office of the Presidency.

When you look at The White House as a facility, its requirements look like a Trump Tower: banquet halls for parties big and small, a professional kitchen and office space. Last, but not least, The White house should have enough living space for all the official people visiting the White House. The new building would have updated mechanical systems and electronics. They could also add proper training facilities for the Secret Service in the basement.

Now, I know that people would be offended by a White House branded by Trump. This is something that could be solved with a remodel, the kind of remodel that takes place after the end of each administration

And I know people are sentimental about our current White House. We could dismantle it and rebuild the old White House in a new public park. How about across the street from the Pentagon. Then the building could be used for the only purpose it's really good for, public tours.