
America loves its giant trucks and SUVs. Nothing boosts an office worker's sense of self worth like a personal off road farm utility vehicle. Nothing beats that feel of torque and acceleration while stuck in rush hour traffic. Nothing beats the freedom of driving to and from work to pay for the enormous gas guzzler that you drive to and from work.

America is trying to kick its addiction to fossil fuels. That's good. Converting to green energy is good. Converting your vehicle to electricity is good.

However, green is more than replacing every gas tank with a big battery. Green is also about reducing to what we want to what we actually need. Replacing a giant SUV with a giant BEV is not quite as green as it sounds. You may be replacing a gas guzzler with an electron guzzler.

There are many vehicles that will carry an office worker to work and back. There are city cars. There are small hybrids. There is even the average passenger car. Any one of these options would save resources and fuel. Pick a good vehicle