This site is intended for constructive solutions to real world problems. Occasionally, I include satire or commentary. However, the majority of my pages are intended to be position papers that can be put into action to make life work a little better.

I know that have multiple, contradictory, position papers on some issues. These papers are alternatives. Think of them as items on a restaurant menu. These are possible solutions. You can choose one.

I know that you might look at the volume of position papers and assume that I am running for dictator and want to run everyone's lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not qualified to run your lives. I am also not interested.

You might also assume that I have an answer to everything. Nonsense. These are solutions to problems that have, for want of a better term, mechanical solutions. That limits the issues to a very few. The list just looks long.

These papers are based on the modern interpretation of the constitutional phrase, "All men are created equal". I'm not going to defend this, I consider the idea self evident. You are welcome to believe in your own superiority. Everyone else believes in theirs. However, I believe that the votes of all citizens should be counted equally.

I don't mean to insult your intelligence. My plans are simple so that I can understand them. In addition, coordinating large groups of people limits the number of details that everyone can follow to a very few. I try to make those details count.

My papers are based on the philosophy of objective reality. Things just are. Yelling that everything is an opinion and that all facts are just made up does not change the world. This is the equivalent of driving through the forest and proclaiming, "There's no such thing as trees"

You also might think that I am trying to replace God. Nonsense. I cannot save your soul. I cannot redeem your life from the pit. I cannot give meaning and hope to your life. My positions are the equivalent of fixing the plumbing on a sinking ship.

I don't consider my papers as proof of my immense intelligence. In fact, I grieve for the fact that a simpleton like me can come up with a better system than the one we have right now. I also grieve for the decades it took me to come up with these nuggets

I have no patience for revolutionaries that have no plans. Burning things down is easy. The hard part is rebuilding, That is where revolutions are won or lost.

Those of you who know me are wondering when I am going to mention my infamous crusade, Washington State Initiative 1354. I still consider 1354 to be the least bad option for representative government. However, I have finally accepted that everyone hates it. There are traces of 1354 in some of my papers. If you want to read about 1354 (you don't) I have included links below. I had an initiative covering automotive manufacturers selling directly to the public. I also had an initiative legalizing community broadband (cities providing high speed internet). They are also at my 1354 website.,_Initiative_1354_(2014)