State's Rights Government

State's rights is more than a sign on a states's door that says "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS". State's rights is also the principle that a state is a sovereign entity. If you want to talk to the state, you have to talk to the state government. Originally, Senators were appointed by a state's government. In a way, they were like ambassadors.

State's government applies the idea of the state's government as the sole legal representative of their state and applies it to the national government. The US would be an association of states.

Ground Rules

The representatives of the states would a National Board of Directors that would take the place of congress. Each representative would have one vote for each congressman, thus replacing the House and the Senate. The President would be a national CEO, hired and fired by the board.

There would still be a Supreme Court. Each state will be represented by a judge elected by their state's supreme court. Each of these judges will have as many votes as their state representative

This is not my favorite plan. I have included it as a proposal for people who favor's State's rights