My Federal Budget

This is my clean-sheet-of-paper budget for the US federal government. This wipes away over two centuries of accumulated stuff and starts over. I have not detailed everything because I think the best starting point would be a flexible set of guidelines. As I said before, i like my plans to be simple to a fault

  1. Core budget - 10% GDP
  2. National Dividend Fund - 10% GDP
  3. Modern American System of Health - 10% GDP
  4. Work Exempt Fund - 5% GDP
  5. Veteran's Entitlement Tax - 3% import tariff

Taxes would be indirect taxes. They would be a combination of value added taxes and carbon added taxes (sales taxes). Everyone living in the US would pay taxes, even the Reptilians

P.S. If you want to drowned in details, see the American Permanent Dividend Fund