Certified Taxpayers

There's a difference between paying your taxes and being a taxpayer. When you are a taxpayer, you pay more money into the government than you get out of the government. If everyone who claimed to taxpayer was an actual taxpayer, our Federal Government would be running a surplus. Instead, we're running a trillion dollar a year deficit.

I am sick and tired of people living on federal aid who still insist that they are taxpayers. They should have to explain that to the children who will have to pay for our debt. They should have to explain that to people who pay more in than they get out, the actual taxpayers

Now, most people don't mind. You can buy a lot of friends with $3,000 of free money per person, especially when it's financed with their credit card. But that credit was supposed to be for emergencies. Our federal government is now equal to our total national income.

What we need is a program where people can be certified as federal taxpayers. In an audit, they can prove that the taxes that they pay is more than the benefits that they receive. The next time someone declares, "I'm a taxpayer", you can ask for their taxpayer certificate.