Boeing 737 Max

Let's face it, the 737 MAX likes to crash. The plane likes to crash so much that it will fight with its flight crew for minutes on end to dive into the ground. This is the real life scenario for the flight crew of the two Boeing 737 MAX airliners that insisted on diving into the ground despite their flight crews repeatedly ordering them not to. Sad part of this, I know who's responsible for these tragedies, ME. To be more accurate, cheap airline passengers like me.

Let's follow the chain of cheapness:

  1. Cheap passengers purchase the cheapest airline tickets at all cost
  2. Airliners run their business to deliver the cheapest tickets at all cost
  3. Airliners demand a new version of the 737 that's cheap and fuel efficient
  4. Airliners cannot afford any additional training hours for pilots to fly the 737 MAX
  5. Airliners demand that the MAX flies exactly like the older 737
  6. CFM International develops a new fuel efficient turbojet engine, the LEAP
  7. Boeing realizes that the LEAP engine will not fit underneath the 737
  8. Boeing remembers that the customer is always right
  9. Boeing makes the new engine fit by moving the new engines forward and up
  10. Boeing realizes that the placement of the new engines change the stall characteristic of the 737
  11. Boeing remembers that the customer is always right
  12. Boeing builds a new flight system (MCAS) to stop the MAX from nosing up and stalling
  13. Boeing "protects" everyone from this knowledge by not telling anyone
  14. Boeing doesn't introduce new training regarding the MCAS
  15. The MCAS is vulnerable to sensor error
  16. Boeing offers a warning light that tells the flight crew when the MCAS may be receiving faulty sensor data
  17. The airlines decide that the warning light is too expensive
  18. The airliners decide to order their 737 MAX airliners without the warning light
  19. Boeing remembers that the customer is always right
  20. A 737 MAX with faulty sensors wins a fight with its flight crew and dives into the ground
  21. Boeing writes this accident off as a freak incident
  22. Another 737 MAX with faulty sensors wins a fight with its flight crew and dives into the ground
  23. Everyone blames Boeing
  24. Boeing remembers that the customer is always right