Immigration plan

Green cards will become like a ticket to a popular theme park ride. You'll take your ticket and wait in line. When you get to the front of the line, you are granted US citizenship.

Ground Rules

  • Green cards should be limited, not by the number issued each year, but by total number held at any one time
  • This number should be high enough to include our current number of aliens (legal and illegal)
  • I suggest about 1/10th of our population
  • People are building their lives in the US, so green cards should be for life.
  • People currently holding green cards will be first in line to be issued the new green cards
  • Green cards will be your ticket to obtain a US citizenship
  • Every year, new citizenships will be issued to a population equal to 1/100th of our population
  • Half the citizenship quota will be given out to green card holders
  • First come first serve. Citizenship should go to the person holding their green card for the longest
  • Half the citizenship quota will be auctioned off to the highest bidder
  • The money raised will be divided up among US veterans
  • One percent of the citizenship quota will be reserved for expedited individuals
  • They will be reserved for matters of national security such as US Army translators or other persons of high value