
There is a theory that many people in the public eye are secretly members of an alien race commonly referred to as Reptilians. Underneath their fake human skin, they are lizards that walk on two legs.

Are you kidding me. What difference does that make. How is that any of your business.

There is also a related theory that the Reptilians are secretly running the world and keeping humanity enslaved.

What I find interesting is that many people think that these theories are one and the same. They are not. It's entirely possible that reptilians could be living among us and just living their lives like we do. The reptilians could just be trying get through the day as best as they can. It is also possible that ordinary humans could be working for a foreign power and trying to enslave our people.

In that case, the race of a person should be irreverent. That includes reptilians. What matters is what they do.