Corporate Average Fuel Economy

Using less fuel is good. Using fuel more efficiently is good. Getting more from the miles you drive is good.

However, gas millage does not always predict the fuel usage of a vehicle. Some drivers use more fuel simply by driving more aggressively. Some drivers drive more simply for recreation. In fact, there are cars that are "weekend drives". These are vehicles for going out on the weekend and showing off. A few people buy a half a dozen sports cars just to park them in front of their mansions as art exhibits.

You Don't Want to Drive a Ferrari Every Day

The fun part is that there is a lower standard for trucks. So, guess what type of vehicles people buy? Trucks. So, the regulation to reduce the use of fuel may also do the opposite.

The US "produces" more oil than any other country. I suspect that double or even triple that amount would not be enough. My point is, that to reduce the use of fuel, we should target the fuel, not the car. People are still wasting fuel, therefore fuel is still too cheap.