Hump Day

If there is one word that drains the life out of me, it's Wednesday. It's the middle of pushing that bolder up the hill each and every week. It's a reminder that I will go for five days without a day of rest. Funny thing is that I don't need two days of rest. I'm good with one. What if we worked three days and had one day off.

Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Saturday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday

There will be a few problems . We will have thirty nine more Mondays and fourteen more work days. Technically, you should receive fourteen more days of vacation. This is the USA and that doesn't happen. However, I think that these problems will be worth never going more than three days without a day off

P.S. Perhaps our Holidays could be three days long to link together Sunday and Saturday . Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and Independence Day sound like good candidates