Impeachment 2020

This is against my policy of only posting policies of lasting importance that solves a systemic problem. However, the Republicans of the senate are in a pickle of a spot. They are caught between a lunatic president and a Republican voting block that loves Trump. here is a suggested resolution for Trump's eventual trial in the Senate

We, of the United State Senate,

declare that President Trump:

  • is an insane egomaniac that cares only for himself
  • is an insane egomaniac who believes himself to be the worlds greatest genius
  • is an insane egomaniac who believes himself to be an expert on everything
  • is an insane egomaniac who recognizes no authority but himself
  • is an insane egomaniac who puts the I in teamwork
  • is an insane egomaniac with a skin as thin as parchment
  • is an insane egomaniac who never forgives or forgets
  • is an insane egomaniac who is incapable of admitting any mistake
  • is an insane egomaniac who takes joy in stepping on the little people below him
  • is a shameless liar who denies reality with a straight face
  • suffers from advanced "brain rot"
  • cannot be trusted to keep his word or stick to an agreement
  • does not have the self discipline to stick to a train of thought or a good lie
  • is a willfully ignorant idiot of the highest caliper who cannot/will not learn anything of the knowledge required for the responsibilities of his office
  • is a rude buffoon who cannot and will not show even a minimum level of courtesy, good manners or good taste
  • uses the office of the presidency for the sake of enriching himself
  • is careless beyond measure with the secrets of our government and will share them with hostile foreign governments or even discuss them in public
  • uses the authority of his office to extort other countries to aid in his reelection campaign
  • hires the most idiotic and incompetent of officers for his administration on the basis of their willingness to stroke his ego
  • obstructs justice and legitimate congressional oversight at every possible opportunity
  • refuses to consult with anyone else when making decisions and to give advance notice to those in our government who jobs are to carry out public policy
  • betrays and abandons our friends and allies with no notice
  • embraces the enemies our or nation and our nation's values
  • does his best to discredit freedom, free election and America throughout the world
  • deliberately disrupts the workings of the federal government just in order to make himself the center of attention
  • is the perfect example of the leader of a "banana republic"
  • is unfit for public office to a degree that is beyond measure


Our constitutes have stated quite strongly that these offenses are either overblown, irrelevant, an elaborate fraud by the deep state or the lies of the liberal media. Therefore, we of the United States Senate find these charges irrelevant and find President Donald Trump