Core budget

I've heard much about "mandatory spending". That is, parts of the federal budget that are considered off limits for spending cuts. However, all spending must be by congressional appropriations. Therefore, all federal government spending is, by definition, optional.

However, I defining the core functions of the government as untouchable. The libertarian budget is roughly ten percent of country's gross domestic process. I'm going to use this as the basis of all my discussions of the federal budget. Think of this as my vanilla ice cream I will use for my ninety wonderful flavors.

This is a bare bones budget. Everything must go. That includes all the subsidies, all the transfer payment and all the special programs. This includes individuals rich and poor. This includes businesses large and small. No more farm subsidies. This includes all states, no matter how poor. No more block grants. This also includes all the military projects that serve as welfare for states that don't want to admit they they are on welfare. That means we are going to close your military base.

This is just the start of my budgets. Stay tuned