Sliced Pear with Prosciutto and Honey

  • 1 medium-sized pear (I used an anjou pear, use what you like)
  • 1 paper-thin slice of prosciutto
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Note: the prosciutto may be baked in advance. To prevent the pear from turning brown, however, it should not be sliced too far in advance of serving!

-Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

-Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place the prosciutto onto the parchment. Bake the

prosciutto until crisp (about 10 minutes). Allow to cool for about 5 minutes.

-While you're waiting for the prosciutto to cool down, slice your pear into slices approximately 1/4-inch

thick, discarding the two end slices.

-Stack the slices and slice down through the middle, cutting the slices in half.

-Use a paring knife to remove any seeds/discoloration from the center of the slices.

-Arrange the slices onto a serving platter.

-Place the honey into a small bowl or dish and microwave on HIGH for 10 seconds (this makes it easier to

brush onto the slices).

-Using a pastry brush, lightly coat the surface of the slices with honey.

-Crumble the slice of prosciutto over the pear slices and serve immediately.