Teuana ana tautaeka te aonaaba?

Ana Tautaeka te Aonaaba ae Boou

Iroun Teatarake T. Rotan Tianuare 13, 2020

Bon iai aia iango tabeman aomata ba ana katea tii teuana te tautaeka n te aonaaba. E aranaki te tautaeka ae kanoan miia birioneea tabeman ba te "New World Order." Birioneea aikai bon taan baibai n te World Bank, ao te IMF (aia tabo ni tango mane aaba nako), te United Nations (UN) ao bootaki aika a rekereke ba aban nako te aonaaba. N aia bowii birioneea aikai are n boo n kabanean wiikin Meei n te ririki 2019, ao e taku aia aomata temanna,

"Ngaira man te Bildenberg tia nooria ba tiaki konaa n karerekea te itabaraaraa i marenara ike ana mate aomata ao ni karikii kangaanga ike ana akea mweengaia mirion ma mirion aomata ba man muin ara waaki. Ngaia are tia namakinna ba e na nako raoi taian waaki ni kabane ngkana bon tii teuana ana komiunitii [tautaeka] te aonaaba."

I nano bon tabeua aia taakete ake a iangoiia kaain te kurubu aio ba ana kakorobukina. (Noora namba 3 inano).

Bilderberg Objectives ao 'click' ikai i bukin rongrongon te kurubu aio ae banin.

The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:

  1. — “one international identify (observing) one set of universal values

  2. — centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;

  3. — a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;

  4. — “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;

  5. — manufactured crises and perpetual wars;

  6. — absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;

  7. — “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;

  8. — using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”

  9. — expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;

  10. — making NATO a world military;

  11. — imposing a universal legal system; and

  12. — a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”

Ti na kinouta aia objectives aika teuana muin teuana ao n nooria ba a toki iaa n aia kakamakuri:

1. Teuana te Identity, ke teuana te Botanaomata.

Ngkai ana mena aban te aonaaba nikabane iaan teuana te tautaeka ao te tautaeka aio e na bon kan kinaiia ana botanaomata aei tii teuana aei. Ana tangiria ba ana taua muiia aia botanaomata ba ana maiu inanon te "universal values" are e a tia ni barongaaki i bukiia. Te makuri are e na karaoiia te tautaeka ngkanne bon tii karekean aia ID ana botanaomata ba ana bane ni kawakinaki rongorongoiia n aia "database." Ae nanona ba ana bane n taua muiia.

. . . . according to the World Bank, more than one billion people go around without any way to identify themselves for the myriad purposes that might be necessary. Whether that’s accessing critical services, opening a bank account or being able to drive a car . . . .Ultimately, this is a problem of inclusion. And work needs to accelerate to bring these people fully into the societies they live in.. . . .(reita am wareware ikai . . . .)

2. Te "mind control"

Aio e rekereke ma 'kimoaakin' am kaburoro ke am iango. Iai taian drugs aikai ae ngkana a nganaki aomata ao ai akea naba aia kaantaninga ma ti karaoan te bai are a tuangaki. E kaotia teuana te boki ba e kabongaanaki te drug aei irouiia aine ba ana riki ba 'korekorea', taan uobai, ke couriers, ao taan tiritiri. Ao e bon konaa naba drug aio n kairiko nakon matem:

On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. Wareka banin rongrongona ikai . . . .

3. Rulers and Servants only

N aron anne e bon kaotaki n aia akenta: Tii taan tautaeka ao tooro. Ti na manga okira naba baain n "surveillance". Iai ae e "nooraki" ba kanga e biri n kakan eti - baru. Te tautaeka ae boou aei (ngkana e reke teina) e na boon aki tangiriia aomata riki tabeman irarikiia n babaire. Bon tii ngaiia ao ai "tooro" - akana a ongoaaba ao a kukurei ni bainikirinaki iroun te tautaeka aio.

Wareka te rongrongo aio ao reita am wareware ngkana ko nakon ana 'link'

For more than a century these globalists have been promoting their NWO eugenics plan for a sustainable earth population of about a half billion people. The UN Agenda 21 spells it all out in graphic detail. This means within the next several years they plan to kill 13 out of 14 of us 7.2 billion people currently living and breathing on this planet. For decades they’ve been busily deploying both slower, “soft kill” methods as well as their faster, “hard kill” methods to drastically reduce the world population. The hard kill scenario manifests through war and both manmade induced natural disasters as well as naturally occurring natural disasters with a recent noticeable crescendo of activity of all these cataclysmic events. Read more . . . .

4. "Zero growth society"

Akea te rikirake. N teraa? N te mwaiti n aomata. E a tau te kakarik? A bon kaman tataekinna kaain te kurubu ae te Bildenberg am raoii n aron te World Bank, te IMF, te UN, ao bootaki n "globalists" ba e nangi korakora mwaitiia botanaomata. A taku naba ba aomata a bon kakaotinakoa naba te kabuebue man rabataia are e roota naba kakamakurin te climate change. Kanoan naba aia akenta bon katokan aia kakariki botanaomata. E a bon tia n waaki te makuri aei ba e a otinako rongrongo tabeua ba tabeua aban te aonaaba n aiaron Aberika a bon tia ni keweaki ainen taabo aikai n aia bai-n-aoraki ake a anganaki ba ngaia bon iai te "drug" inanona are e na kona n tiringa ana tabo n kariki te aine.

"Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority," the article said, adding that “this could result in a challenge to some Third World politicians who believe contraception and female education weaken traditional values."

Such a stand wouldn't be surprising. Mssrs. Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly worrying about Malthusian population problems for years. Mr. Gates in February outlined a plan to try to cap the world's population at 8.3 billion people, rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected to peak.

But some right-leaning blogs have started attacking the billionaires as forming a kind of secret sterilization society or giant ATM to fund abortions. It fed into time-honored fears of the rich using their wealth to reshape mankind in its preferred image. Some are raising the specter of eugenics. Reita am wareware ikai . . . .

5. Kangaanga nako aika a bon karikaki, ao buaka aika a bon kateirakeaki i roun te kurubu ae te Bildenberg

E nangi korakora maakan te kurubu aio are a konaa ni kateirakei buaka n aaba ake a kan taua kaubaina, ke ngkana a kan kamangaoa biribirin te mane n te aonaaba - E bukinaki te kurubu aio ba a rekereke ma te "Great Depression" are e roota te aonaaba ni kabuta, ke ni karikii kangaanga nako i aon te aonaaba.

. . . . The Group originated in Oosterbeek, Netherlands in 1954 when “the most powerful men in the world met for the first time” to debate “the future of the world” and planned to meet annually in secret. . . . . . “Imagine a private club where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals rub shoulders, where gracious royal chaperones ensure everyone gets along, and where the people running the wars, markets, and Europe say what they never dare say in public,” he writes. He further accuses the Bilderbergers of creating “an aristocracy of purpose between Europe and the United States” to maintain their wealth and power. Estulin lists the Bilderberg’ objectives that include the emergence of a One World Government overseeing a single, global marketplace, policed by a One World army and financially regulated by a One World Bank using a single global currency. Implementation requires control of world public opinion, manufactured crises, perpetual wars, subduing the middle classes to make way for rulers and servants, indoctrination of the public mind via education and the expansion of Nafta, the WTO and Nato, he writes. . . . . Nakon te 'link' aio . . .

What are some proofs that we are moving towards world domination? Check out the articles below:

* Growing Calls For One World Government In Response To Virus Outbreak

* From Global Government To Global Tax - A New World Order Is Upon Us

* Global Digital ID With Vaccines Is Now Being Promoted As Way To Combat The Virus