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Seven Unleavened Bread Recipes

EDMOND—As members of the Philadelphia Church of God keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, they will enjoy a variety of special baked goods unique to this time of year. Here is a new collection of unique recipes shared by members and tweaked by our staff that you can bake and then enjoy on each day of the feast.

Thursday: Cheese Straws

Contributed by Irene Cole

    • 1 lb. cheddar cheese

    • 4 cups whole wheat pastry flour, sifted

    • ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper

    • ¼ tsp salt

    • 3 sticks butter, softened

    1. Grate cheese and set aside.

    2. Mix flour, cayenne pepper and salt.

    3. Blend softened butter into flour. Add cheese and blend. Chill.

    4. Roll out ¼ dough at a time on a lightly floured surface, ¼ inch thick.

    5. Cut into strips about 3x1 inches.

    6. Bake at 375°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Friday: Almond Almond Bread

Contributed by Lisa Hogan

    • 3 eggs

    • ¾ cup melted butter

    • 1 tsp almond extract

    • ½ tsp vanilla extract

    • ½ cup maple syrup

    • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour

    • 2 cups almond flour/meal (fine ground)

    • 1 chunk almond paste (optional)

    • ½ cup slivered almonds (optional)

    1. Mix all wet ingredients together, stir the dry in and mix well.

    2. Divide between two buttered/oiled pans, tap pans on counter to distribute.

    3. Bake 30 minutes at 350°F.

Sabbath: Lefsa

Contributed by the Edmonton congregation

    • 4 cup mashed potatoes

    • ½ cup butter, melted

    • 2 eggs

    • 1½ tsp. salt

    • 2 cups whole wheat flour

    • ¼ cup green onions (optional)

    1. Mix together to pastry-like thickness, adding flour as necessary.

    2. Roll out very thin (⅛ inch); rolling in plenty of flour.

    3. Fry in ungreased pan until done (not very long).

    4. Add green onions

Sunday: Oat Flatbread

Contributed by Nora Nice (age 6). Gluten free.

    • 2 cups rolled gluten-free oats (sprouted, if available; ground into flour)

    • 3 tbsp arrowroot/tapioca flour

    • ½ tsp salt

    • ¼ cup butter

    • 1 egg

    • ⅛ cup maple syrup

    1. Line a half sheet pan with parchment paper.

    2. Mix dry ingredients together.

    3. Cut butter into flour (using fingertips to crumble together).

    4. Mix wet and dry together.

    5. Press mixture onto parchment paper, forming a rectangle (mixture will be slightly sticky).

    6. Cut into approximately 12 rectangles. Prick with fork.

    7. Bake 20 minutes at 350°F.

Thursday: ‘Everything But the Bagel‘ Crackers

Contributed by Adar Nice

    • 4 cups whole wheat flour

    • 1 tsp sea salt

    • ¼ cup butter

    • ½ cup “everything but the bagel” seasoning*

    • 1 cup boiling water

    • 2 tbsp. butter or olive oil (optional)

    1. Combine flour and salt.

    2. Cut in ¼ cup butter.

    3. Stir in seasoning.

    4. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, pour in hot water and combine.

    5. If mixture seems dry, add optional butter/oil.

    6. Roll ⅛” thick and use biscuit cutter to cut into crackers.

    7. Bake at 400°F for 15-20 minutes until slightly golden brown.

*Store-bought, or 2 tbsp sesame seeds, 2 tbsp sea salt flakes, 4½ tsp dried minced garlic, 4½ tsp black sesame seeds, 1 tsp poppy seeds.

Tuesday: Flour Tortillas

Contributed by Helen Lilleboe. Makes 12 six-inch tortillas.

    • 1½ cup whole wheat pastry flour

    • 1½ cup whole wheat flour

    • 1½ tsp. salt

    • ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil

    • ¾ cup warm water

    1. With fork, cut in oil and salt

    2. While stirring, sprinkle in water, 1 tbsp. at a time, forming a large ball.

    3. Divide into 12 smaller balls.

    4. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.

    5. Roll out on floured surface.

    6. Heat un-greased skillet or griddle to 350°F and fry until dry around the edge: approximately 2 minutes on one side, 1 minute on second side (must remain pliable enough to roll).

    7. Keep balls covered until rolled and cooked.

Wednesday: Double-Chocolate Brownies

Contributed by Brianna Lorenz

    • 1½ cups melted butter

    • ¾ cup cocount sugar (or ½ cup maple syrup)

    • 2 large eggs

    • 2 tsp vanilla extract

    • ½ cup melted chocolate chips

    • ¾ cup whole wheat pastry flour

    • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

    • ½ tsp salt

    • 1 cup chocolate chips

    1. Preheat oven to 350°F

    2. Line a 9x9 pan with parchment paper (grease if needed).

    3. Pour melted butter into a large bowl and mix in sugar by hand until smooth.

    4. Mix in eggs and vanilla.

    5. Mix in melted chocolate until smooth.

    6. Use a spatula to stir in flour, salt and cocoa powder until just combined.

    7. Stir in whole chocolate chips, pour into the pan and bake for 20-30 minutes until edges are firm.

Thanks to Cami Eagle, Corinne Eagle and Adar Nice. Last year’s recipes are available here. Tried one of these ideas? Let us know how you liked it at news@pcog