A Mate Ibukin Aia Onimaki

Te itera ni baa aio ena tabe ma tarataraakin aaro n iowawa aika a kakaraoaki nakoiia Kiritian iaon te aonaaba. Iai aika a taku ba ngkana e rikirake n korakora bainikiriakiia Kiritian ao e a kaan te Toki.

N te moan tienture, are bon muin rokon Iesu, n aia tai ngkanne abotoro aika a kakaokoro, ao e kateirakeaki te moan uaaki ibukin tiringakiia botanaomata aika a ataaki n araia ae ana ekaretia te Atua.

Nte ka-12 n tienture ao e manga uaakinaki te kauoua n kaitiaki. A tiringaki Kiritian aika a bon teimatoa n taua ana reirei ma ana koaua Iesu, ao tiaki are e baireia te Aro n Katorika n te tai anne. E teirakeaki n te ririki 1231 A.D ao te kabane n aomata ae e tiringaki ibukin ana onimaki e bon mate n te ririki 1826.inanon te ka-19 n tienture.

N te kauoua n mireniam aio ae te ka-21 n tienture ao e nangi teretere aron bainikiriakiia Kiritian ba e roko te makuri n iowawa mairouiia ake tiaki Kiritian.

Ti na noori uaaki n iowawa aika a karaoaki nakoiia Kiritian iaon aban te aonaaba aika a kakaokoro. Ti na kataia n noora naba korakorana, tatan kakaraoana, mwaitiia maate, antai taan iowawa, te aba raa ae e kakaraoa naba te aekan iowaa aio ao raroara ma Kiribati: iai te kaantaninga ba tao e na roko i abara aio?

On Sunday, December 1, 2019, Islamic terrorists raided a Protestant Christian church in Burkina Faso during the service and massacred 14 worshippers. The pastor and several children were among those killed.

... sisters," IDOP noted in a brief video that highlights a few examples of recent persecution, including the Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka and the ongoing slaughter of Christians ... this day's significance, Vernon Brewer, the CEO and founder of World Help, a Christian humanitarian organization, wrote: "It's easy to go about our lives and forget that in ...

... across the island nation These high-profile attacks were just the latest examples of persecution committed against Christians. Other atrocities have been just as deadly, but usually without much international ... Between mid-February and mid-March, more than 300 Nigerian Christians in seven predominately Christian villages have been slaughtered, including 270 in Kaduna state, by Muslim terrorists. - In Egypt, Muslim ...

... shocked to learn that we are now hitting new all-time highs for the persecution of Christians worldwide. Numerous countries are now expecting to see the near-total eradication of ... worldwide. Numerous countries are now expecting to see the near-total eradication of their Christian populations yet it is rarely reported in the news. Hundreds of thousands each year face ...

... multiple agencies, adherents of Christianity--supposedly the religion of the powerful--face far more persecution than followers of any other religion. Let me give you a few data points about ... of the Philos Project says, "There are many places on earth where being a Christian is the most dangerous thing you can be." We know that the default setting for

... The Chinese government has a new weapon in it's crackdown of the growing Christian population - controlling how tithes and offerings are administered by the church. Veronica Neffinger of Christian ... a source told China Aid, which has been described as a watchdog for Christian persecution in China. China has been increasing its persecution of Christians and crackdown against Christianity in ...

Persecution Of Christians In China Intensifies

Mainstream Media Ignores Christian Persecution Worldwide May 5, 2012,

Mainstream Media Ignores Christian Persecution Worldwide

Christians 'Most Persecuted' Religious Group in the World, Says Expert

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org As Easter, one of the highest Christian holidays, comes in April, Christian persecution in Muslim nations�from sheer violence to oppressive laws�was rampant: In Nigeria ...

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org Several new reports indicate that Christian minorities all around the Muslim world�especially women and children�are being abducted, tortured, raped, forced to convert to Islam ... interfere! She is an enemy of Islam." Identical reports are emerging from Pakistan, where "persecution, kidnapping and abduction of Christian women and girls," including many married women with children, are ...

Muslim Persecution of Christians Update

... military killed dozens of Christians protesting the destruction of their churches—dominates October's persecution headlines. Facts and details concerning the military's "crimes against humanity" are documented in this ... intentionally ran-over demonstrators, the military has been randomly arresting Copts simply "for being Christian." Finally, the fact-finding commission of Egypt's National Council for Human Rights just submitted ...

Muslim Persecution of Christians Update