White House Film Contest


Assignment: Create a creative appeal of someone "giving back" for the White House Film Festival.

Due: 1-3 minute video that tells a story that connects with the expectations of the contest.

Goal: To learn how to create a compelling, targeted message to a specific, national audience. To work together or on your own to document how one person can make a difference in their community.

Friday November 21- Kickoff the project and brainstorm about ideas and people we know who have great service stories, Watch through last year's White House submission below:

Monday November 24- Ideation and selection of ideas to pursue and WHAT NOT TO DO:

Tuesday November 25- Create pre-production if shooting over Thanksgiving, watch through previous winners to decode what they are really looking for:


Monday December 1- Pre-Production for those who didn't shoot, editing for those who did

Tuesday-Thursday December 2-4 Production

Friday December 5- Rough Cut

Tuesday December 9- Projects due by 5pm