Final Intermediate Project Spring 2016

Assignment: Take an idea you find on either Vimeo, Youtube or another online source and replicated either shot-for-shot or concept-by-concept and make it the best written, directed, shot, produced and edited story you have ever done.

Due: A 3-5 minute video. Focus your selection on something that is doable with the remaining time we have in the school year. This is the most time you've been given for a single project this year, so take advantage of finding something your passionate about replicating.

Goal: Bite off something challenging, but do-able, and push yourself in a way you've been looking forward to all semester or year. Take the experience gained throughout the year to make your production stand out at Best of New Media.

Friday April 15- Introduce the project the specific goals of the project, brainstorm ideas

Friday April 22- watch through previous projects

Monday April 27- shoot the boat races as a class

Tuesday April 26- Work on TPP

Wednesday April 27- watch through more examples and work on TPP

Thursday April 28- deliver Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class to the camera and continue to develop ideas

Friday April 29- Revise TPP, bring music into FCP- cut it down

Monday May 2- Revise TPP, bring music into FCP- cut it down, Create Production Schedule

Tuesday May 3- Shot Sheet below

Shot Sheet Example- SHOOT 3 TIMES AS MUCH

Wednesday May 4- May 12 Shooting video

Wednesday-Thursday May 11-13 Rough Cut Critique- 50% in the timeline

Monday May 16- Post Production editing

Tuesday May 17- editing

Wednesday May 18- editing

Thursday May 19- Rough Draft Peer Critique- 90% completed

Friday May 20- Media Literacy Day

Monday May 23- editing

Tuesday May 24- editing


Thursday May 26- Watch and critique final projects

Tuesday May 31- Final upload

Finals- work on Digital Portfolio- deadline end of your class period


Pitch-Proposal fully developed and updated 50 points

Production Schedule- updated 50 points

Shot Sheet- fully developed 50 points

Production shooting 50 points

Rough Cut Critique deadline- 50% in the timeline 50 points

Rough Draft Peer Critique- 90% and feedback for 5 others 50 points

Final Project Deadline- 100 points