Telecom exceeding Standards

Illinois State Standards

Language Arts-

WRITING- 3.C.1b Create media compositions or productions which convey meaning visually for a variety of purposes.

LITERATURE- 2.B.4a Critique ideas and impressions generated by oral, visual, written and electronic materials.

1.B.4b Analyze, interpret and compare a variety of texts for purpose, structure, content, detail and effect.

Media Literacy Standards 2006 The College Board ©

To be successful in college and in the workplace and to participate effectively in a global society, students are expected

to understand the nature of media; to interpret, analyze, and evaluate the media messages they encounter daily; and to

create media that express a point of view and influence others.

They understand the role of production elements, personal knowledge, ethics, and credibility in the interpretation and evaluation of media. When students produce media they are attentive to content, organization, feedback, and revision. The following standards focus on cognitive, affective, and behavioral strategies for understanding the nature of media; understanding, interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating media; and designing and creating media messages.