CP Bad Lip Dub Reading

Lake Forest High School

New Media

Assignment: Create a "bad lip dub reading" project that makes your audience laugh by using appropriate use of humor through editing.

Due: A 2-3 minute video that makes sense to the LFHS audience.

Goal: Working on editing images and voice over to create a separate, humorous meaning. Working on recording separate audio effectively to match the tone and feel of a video edit.

Pre- Production Process:

Monday October 22- Go over examples of the project and brainstorm ideas:

Bad Lip Dub Videos:


Presidential Debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlwilbVYvUg&feature=plcp

Tuesday October 23- Brainstorming possible people or places that fit

Wednesday October 24- Late Start- work on TPP- get permission

Thursday October 25- Deliver Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class

Friday October 26- tweak TPP in Google Sites based off feedback- ML day- watch more examples

Monday October 29- Create Production Schedule for shooting original video

Tuesday October 30- Finalize Pre-Production

Production Process:

Wednesday October 31- Begin Shooting

Tuesday November 6- Peer Critique on edit

Friday November 30- Rough Draft Peer Critique of edit with recorded audio

Wednesday December 6- FINAL ROUGH DRAFT of the ROUGH DRAFT due at the END OF THE DAY

Wednesday December 19- Peer Critique Video CHANGES

Friday January 11- FINAL DRAFT due at the END OF THE DAY


Pre-Production 50 points

Production work 100 points

Rough Draft Peer Critiques-- 50 points

Final projects due on time-- 100 points