Final CP project Spring 2013

Assignment: Take an idea you find on either Vimeo, Youtube or another online source and replicated either shot-for-shot or concept-by-concept and make it the best written, directed, shot, produced and edited story you have ever done.

Due: A 3-5 minute video. Focus your selection on something that is doable with the remaining time we have in the school year. This is the most time you've been given for a single project this year, so take advantage of finding something your passionate about replicating.

Goal: Bite off something challenging, but do-able, and push yourself in a way you've been looking forward to all semester or year. Take the experience gained throughout the year to make your production stand out at Best of New Media.

Monday April 8- Introduce the project the specific goals of the project,

brainstorm ideas

Tuesday April 9- Watch through examples from Vimeo and Youtube that could work well for the project

Wednesday April 10- critique 1st Semester Interviews in DMT, continue independent ideation

Thursday April 11- In class final ideation and write out Topic-Pitch-Proposal for Friday, Finalize and post MRC videos to

Friday April 12- deliver Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class to the camera and continue to develop ideas

Monday April 15- revise TPP in class begin creating Script Outline as needed

Tuesday-Wednesday- scripting in or work on Shot Sheet depending on the project

Thursday April 18- Finish script on for peer critique by other AP students throughout the day

Friday April 19- 1st Semester pitch-proposal ideation session

Monday April 22- Begin Production Schedule on Google Calendar

Tuesday-Wednesday- no school

Thursday April 25- Finish up pre-production

Shot Sheet Example- SHOOT 3 TIMES AS MUCH

Friday April 26- Finalize all Pre-Production before shooting

Production Process:

Monday- Wednesday May 8- Production shooting/editing

Thursday May 9- Rough Cut Critique- 50% in the timeline

Friday May 10- Media Literacy Day

Monday May 13- Thursday May 16- Production shooting/editing

Monday May 20- Post Production editing

Tuesday May 21- editing

Wednesday May 22- editing

Thursday May 23- Rough Draft Peer Critique- 90% completed

Tuesday May 28- editing


Thursday May 30- Watch and critique final projects in the DMT

Friday May 31- Final work and uploading it to BEST OF TELECOM!

Monday June 3- Final work on Digital Portfolio- deadline Friday 3pm


Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Script-- 25 points

Shot Sheet 25 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Rough Cut teacher critique- 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique- 25 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points