CP Trailer Mashup

CP Trailer Mashup Project- LFHS New Media

Fall 2011

Assignment: Take a familiar movie and cut together a trailer that tells a different story than what is expected.

Due: A 1-2 minute trailer, with a great soundtrack that makes people laugh.

Goal: Have fun editing together a trailer that tells a unique story. Learning the specific storytelling process quality trailers use to tell a specific story to motivate an audience to watch the full feature.


Thursday November 17- Introduce project

over Thanksgiving Break- Brainstorm ideas, watch through examples on lfhstele.com

March of the Penguins

Monday November 28- critique last project and talk about what we learned

Tuesday November 29- solidify idea and prepare for Verbal PITCH/PROPOSAL to the class

Wednesday November 30- Verbal PITCH/PROPOSAL to the class

Thursday December 1- Arrange scenes and ideas based on concept with your DVD

Friday December 2- Media Literacy day

Monday December 5- Rip DVD scenes and dialogue

Tuesday December 6- finish up ripping the DVD scenes and dialogue

Wednesday December 7- assemble editing

Thursday December 8- editing

Friday December 9- Media Literacy- critiquing Mashups online

Monday December 12- Wednesday December 14- editing

Thursday December 15- Rough Draft Peer critique

Tuesday January 3- Thursday January 5- final editing

Friday January 6- Final Draft due to the server by THEN END OF THE DAY

Monday January 9- Critique in class, provide feedback for final corrections up to lfhstele.com by THURSDAY


Pitch/Proposal 50 points

Peer Critiques 50 points

Production week in class- editing 50 points

Rough Draft Peer Critique 50 points

Final project 100 points

Total 300 points