Lake Bluff schools Collab project

Keynote Wisdom

LB ideation doc


    1. To enhance the website and brand recognition of the great work LB parent organizations are doing for the students.
    2. To partner with Middle School and Elementary School students to tell their stories.
    3. To help current high school students reflect back on their education and articulate their experiences with their community.

First Step:

Identifying which student stories in the New Media program that reflect the values of LB schools.

-Michael McAfee, Kai, Tucker Doyle, Miles, Kallin, Whitney...

Scope: Soft ideation launch the week of March 7 through April 29

Bell ringer: 3-5 minute epic build up to when people give money

Spotlights: 30 sec to 2 minute stories to show where the money is used to impact students (for both social and website). This can include Elementary and Middle school student stories depending on access and timeline.

Sequence Schedule:

Before Spring Break: identify stories, capture high school stories in studio

After Spring Break: shooting broll with MS kids and Mr. Douglass will get Elementary

Rough Draft: Thursday April 7

Final Draft: Wednesday April 13

Fundraiser event: Friday April 29