Spring 2015 Syllabus

Lake Forest High School

New Media Production

Spring 2015


Steve Douglass

Course Overview

This class will teach you how to tell stories visually, in a hands-on way that allows you to make people think, laugh or cry through the video production process. We will critique current media to better understand how story elements affect you as a viewer and producer of media. You will then have the tools to create your own meaningful creative media based on your new media literate understanding of how stories are told in our postmodern world.

Big Ideas and Goals:

New Media is based on "Failing Fast" so you can learn quickly. I want you to take risks, try to solve problems, figure things out and share your experience in our safe classroom community. We learn best from our own experiences and I want you to grow quickly- so fail fast! We get to do that on the very latest platform for visual storytelling- the new MacPro, FCPx and the Digital SLR. We are blessed. We have a professional level studio that provides the opportunity to tell compelling stories to our school community through www.lfhsnewmedia.com. We continued to build the digital portfolio process that helps students get into the top films schools in the nation. We continue to take part in the dual credit program with CLC, offering 6 free credits of college credit for A and B quality work throughout your time in the program. A lot of cool things are happening, so take advantage.

Materials Needed

  1. You will need at least 1 SD card for your personal projects by the end of February. We don't have a book, so this is the only class cost, unless you're late with equipment. You can buy SD cards (Class 6 minimum to work well in the cameras) in the bookstore at a substantially discounted rate- we buy them in bulk and pass along the discount.
  2. Advanced students need an External Hard Drive to store your video on while working on projects. This also enables you to take work home and keep all of your work during your years in New Media. This enables you to continue to work and develop your projects as you grow more in your understanding of Final Cut Pro and Adobe software packages.

More Words o Wisdom…

  1. Please come in with clear expectations for what you want to get out of this class, yourself and me as an instructor…it will make your time investment much more enjoyable. If you need help, I’m available around my office- or just email me.
  2. Personally check out every piece of equipment with Mr. Douglass because you’re financially responsible for all school equipment you check in/out- LATE FEES for equipment will be strictly enforced because we have a very limited amount of expensive equipment we need to keep track of so everyone can use it. EACH LATE CAMERA WILL BE A $5 FINE.
  3. Challenge yourself to expand your ideas, if you come with something your passionate about, and you develop it well… I want to help you to make it happen.
  4. There are plenty of places to get involved to help clarify your passion, please be proactive and ask about live shoots, Scout Stories, independent projects, cross curricular projects, helping out Advanced and CP projects…

Telecom 1- 6 Tentative Course Schedule--Check class site for details from each project.


Week 1 Introduction to Media Literacy—

Advanced: Talent Show Comedy

Week 2 Understanding the Production Process through Critiquing Modern Film

Week 3 How to: Field Production using a Smartphone

1st Semester: Chef Trailer Edit

Week 4 How to: Edit in Final Cut Pro

Week 5 How to: Develop projects in Final Cut Pro

Week 6 How to: Studio Production

Week 7 How to: Studio Production to Multi-camera editing

Advanced Group Project: CTEC one-week edit

Teacher Interview Project

Week 8 How to: Editing with Interview project

Week 9

End of 1st quarter

Week 10 Finishing Interview project

Week 11 Advanced: Final Project

CP: Social Media Project

1st Semester Final Project= Music Video Project or Commercial Project

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Telecom 2 and beyond- College Prep and Advanced Projects

Intermediate Curriculum:

Shorter projects, averaging 4-5 weeks, are designed for students to be challenged at a high level, with minimal outside of class time needed, so they can grow in all aspects of the production process including: planning, shooting and editing. Project objectives include organization, responsibility with deadlines, working independently and within a team.

Students can choose IP projects and when they show consistent mastery, which will be determined by receiving an A for the complete project (pre-production, production and post-production). After each IP project they will be given the opportunity to jump up to the Advanced Project.

Advanced Projects (AP):

Students who have mastered CP projects by receiving an A for the completed project will be given the opportunity to take on an Advanced Project which will challenge them with their time management, creativity and production ability.

This project-based curriculum will be structured around specific production skills that will prepare students for the Film School application process. Each project will include: Writing, Directing, Cinematography, Producing and Editing. Projects are expected to be of the quality to be shown on lfhsnewmedia.com, lfhs.org and on the LCDs around school. These will build their digital portfolio for college through the inclusion of all aspects of the production process (script, digital storyboards, production calendar, rough cut, rough draft and final draft).

Teaching Assistants:

Experienced students in each class period will have the opportunity to volunteer to be a Teachers Assistant for their class and the program. These students will selflessly MODEL intrinsic motivation in their planning and development of their individual, group and live projects ideas. They lead their peers by example, demonstrating professionalism through every step of the production process with the ultimate goal of creating powerful visual storytelling.

For this program:

  • Work directly with 1st Semester students to help teach Final Cut Pro, direct ideation and the actual Studio Production and model on location shooting and directing for the music based project.
  • Learn Final Cut Pro through watching additional How To videos to gain enrichment
  • TAs receive a custom recommendation for college, gap year or career
  • Access to Final Cut Pro while enrolled as a TA in the New Media Program
  • They get a plush New Media t-shirt at BONMedia the Friday night before Memorial Day

Talent Show Comedy Shorts-

Assignment: Create a compelling comedy short that is relevant to the Talent Show audience. These shorts need to make your audience, of 8-88 year olds, from our community laugh... or at least smile.

Due: 4- thirty second pieces that can each stand alone but also collectively tell a 2 minute story that is relevant and funny. The creative writing and production values need to be extremely strong to effectively communicate your humor in a short amount of time to your specific audience of Parents and then hopefully the school community.

Goal: To understand the complexity, detail and timing needed to produce excellent humor. To take the conventions we see professionally, and in past successful productions, to produce a unique idea that is appropriate and acceptable.

Pre- Production Process:

Wednesday January 21- Introduce project

Thursday January 22- Watch and discuss comedies that made the show last year


Friday January 23- Break down the winning comedy structure and brainstorm ideas


Monday January 26- Watch through the first 40 minutes of Chef in the DMT

Tuesday January 27- Watch the middle part of Chef in the DMT

Wednesday January 28- Finish Chef in the DMT

Thursday January 29- Work on Topic Pitch Proposal for Friday

Friday January 30- Topic/Pitch/Proposal Due at the beginning of class- for class discussion

Monday February 2- Critique Super Bowl commercials

Tuesday February 3- Work on scripting and Shot Sheet

Wednesday February 4- Production Schedule

Production Process:

Thursday-Friday February 5-6: Production time in class for shooting based on Production Schedule

Post- Production Process:

Monday February - 9 Editing

Tuesday February 10- Editing

Wednesday February 11- Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Thursday February 12- Editing

Tuesday February 17- SUBMISSION DAY FOR MOMS- by 5pm

Wednesday February 18- feedback from Moms and editing

Thursday February 19- editing

Friday February 20- Media Literacy critique in class

Monday February 23- Editing

Tuesday February 24- Editing

Wednesday February 25- Final Project Due to the Server

Thursday February 26- Final Critique in the classroom

Friday February 27- clean up and upload to lfhsnewmedia.com and Intro next project


Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Scripting/Shot Sheet-- 50 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique in FCP- 50 points

Draft for the Talent Show Comittee 50 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points

Final Reflection-- 50 points