How to: Use the Camera Equipment


1. Please create a new page in your Google site called, "How to use the Camera Equipment"

2. Take bullet point notes on the important DETAILS that I mention in the following videos...

3. Check out the attached PDF, on the bottom of this page, for another visual breakdown of the cameras.

The Canon HV20 in the Telecom- New Media classroom

Inserting and labeling the Tape correctly

How to use the Camera Controls- White Balance, Exposure and HDV/SD

How to use the Tripod correctly (an Old School Werner, Gigianno, Simmons Production)

Copy and paste these terms to know to get you in the door- add to my definitions in your own words


Lens- the “eye” of the camera

White Balance- adjusts to make sure the colors are correct

Zoom- moving In and Out

MF- Manual Focus- to adjust to a specific object like an interview

Dolly- the wheels attached to a tripod to move the camera

Camera Movements:

Pan- left to right

Tilt- up and down

Truck- rolling the camera left or right

Dolly- rolling the camera forward or backwards

Camera Shots:

Extreme Close-up- tight shot to feature one item or part of a face

CU or Close Up- tight shot, the head and shoulders

Medium shot- waist and up

Long Shot (full shot)- whole person

Wide Shot (cover shot) area around the whole person