MMEA contest project

Assignment: Find a category in the MMEA video festival that you would like to submit a video to, study how to win it and create an excellent video that fits the rules so you have a great chance at delivering.

Due: An extremely specified 2-5 minute video that will get you great professional feedback.

Goal: To work with a partner, or by yourself, to learn how to create a professional level video for judges that will give you feedback based off their stated objectives. I also want you to research past winners and do your best to make your own unique work to submit and do well in the contest/festival.

Wednesday/Thursday January 24/25- Introduce the project and begin the ideation/selection process.

Wednesday night at 6pm- Scout Experience- great way to launch the project, connect with incoming 8th graders and shoot video of the event

Friday January 26- Charlie Alves launches Love-a-Bulls editing contest

Monday January 29- Thursday February 1st- Watch and critique The Circle, by alum Dave Eggers

Friday February 2nd- Pitch Proposal Day

Monday February 5- Critique Super Bowl Commericals

Tuesday February 6- Begin working on pre-production for the project: further ideation into a Content Calendar

Wednesday/Thursday February 7/8- PreProduction work day

Friday February 9- Finalizing Pre-Production

Monday/Tuesday February 12/13- Work Days preparing for Rough Cut critique during block days

Wednesday/Thursday February 14/15- Editing day/Rough Cut check in with Mr. Douglass

--Presidents Day weekend--

Tuesday February 20- work day

Wednesday/Thursday February 21/22- Rough Draft Peer Critique

Friday February 23- FINAL project due to the server by 5pm for contest submission

Wednesday/Thursday February 28/March 1- Final class critique


Pre-Production (Pitch-Proposal, ideation and Content Calendar) 100 points

Production (shooting and editing through the draft process) 100 points

Post-Production (final video based off the expectations) 100 points