Finding Balance: Advanced Project

Assignment: Create a video short that examines the idea of student balance in the LF/LB community. This could be an individual or group project that documents, through personal storytelling, the relevant challenges students face in our unique culture.

Due: One 2-5 minute web based video that will connect with your peers and community

Goal: Find a specific issue that you want to focus on describing, detailing and explaining through specific people's experience. This should make people think and bring the audience to a better understanding of the struggle or success a student has or is experiencing. Using music and natural sound together is essential to telling a compelling story.

Pre- Production Process:

Monday September 19- Introduce project by watching Race to Nowhere

Tuesday September 20- Finish watching Race to Nowhere

Wednesday September 21- Debrief about Race to Nowhere

Thursday September 22- Talk through possibilities, create partners and watch relevant examples

Friday September 23- Pitch Proposal in class

Monday September 26- Friday September 4- Help Teacher Interviews and work on Script Outline

Production Process:

Monday November 2 Create Production Schedule in Google Calendar

Tuesday-Wednesday November 3-4 Most Likely to Succeed Doc and Conversation

Monday November 9-11 PRODUCTION SHOOTING

Thursday November 12- Rough Cut Due with Mr. Douglass

Friday November 13- Media Literacy

Post- Production Process:

Monday November 16- Wednesday 18- editing

Thursday November 19- Rough Draft Due for peer critique Editing

Friday November 20- Media Literacy Day

Monday November 23- Editing

Tuesday November 24- Editing


Monday November 30- editing

Tuesday December 1- editing

Wednesday December 2- Final Class Critique Due to the Server by the end of the day

Thursday October 1- Class critique in the DMT

Friday October 2- Final version up to


Pitch Proposal-- 25 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Production Coordination and Shooting 100 points

Rough Cut in FCP-- 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique in FCP-- 25 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points