sample script outline

Script Outline for Case Study- Telecom and Art

Pitch: Telecom is going through a transition, similar to the media industry as a whole, as we see our need to grow and develop our curriculum and technology to best prepare our students with skills that are relevant in the 21st Century.

3 Key Themes:

• Communication has never changed, but the technology we use has and will continue to change, we need to be smart and proactive in our implementation.

• We need to understand the visually on-demand culture we are communicating to, and with, in the future through Media Literacy

• We need the proper tools to help students articulate their stories through a variety of mediums, platforms and curriculum.

Key Interviews:

Steve Douglass- current Telecom teacher-

1. vision for the program

2. what needs to change

3. how will those specific changes help the program reach it’s goals

4. How will students be prepared for the 21st century with these skills?

5. What struggles do you currently have that a new space would solve?

6. What technology would be needed for a great program?

7. Does the location of the space matter?

8. How would a media center set up benefit all the students at LFHS?

Chris Friedman—current Telecom teacher- emphasis on Animation

1. vision for the Telecom program

2. how Animation, Graphic Design, web design, photography come together for a complete creative media offering

3. current space constraints

4. the possibilities with a newer/bigger space

5. preparing LF students for the future

Brad Balonick—former Telecom teacher, head of technology implementation

1. history of Telecom serving the students

2. how technology is changing and what we need to do to stay ahead

3. current live TV set up with what we need

4. community involvement and participation

5. preparing LF students for the future

General flow of the 2-4 min video short

1. Student Production using the current facilities

2. Behind the Scenes of how the production happened narrated by the student (green screen, importing video, transferring video via external, importing into Premier, saving to external, putting external away) in one period

3. VO of Steve Douglass describing the process of what we do in Telecom with b-roll of student(s) going through the steps

4. Walk through of the facilities with Steve Douglass talking about the technology and how we have made great improvements but need to upgrade to prepare students to communicate effectively in the future

5. Chris Friedman walking through the back closet discussing how the students have overcome the space constraints, but the program is really growing and needs space.

6. B-roll of students working in computer room with Brad talking about what needs to happen to stay ahead in technology and preparing the students for the future.

7. Steve Douglass going over a critique with a student in the office and having five hands raised as students work on their projects in the other room—leading into comments about adapting to the individual needs of the student and how we specifically can create a space to make that happen.