AP 3 part Story

Lake Forest High School

New Media

Assignment: Craft three separate video shorts that individually and collectively tell your specific audience a story about a person, place or event that they will remember.

Due: Three 2-3 minute web based videos that could run separately or together to tell a story.

Goal: Working on the basic story arc of beginning, middle and end by crafting three videos that include all three story movements. Creating short, quick narratives that connect with the audience immediately and motivate them to want more by watching the next segment. Provide three distinct videos that when played concurrently provide greater context and meaning for the audience.

Pre- Production Process:

Monday October 22- Go over examples of the project and brainstorm ideas

Tuesday October 23- Brainstorming interesting people, places and events that fit

Wednesday October 24- Late Start- work on TPP

Thursday October 25- Deliver Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class

Friday October 26- tweak TPP in Google Sites based off feedback- ML day- watch more examples

Monday October 29- Create Production Schedule for 1st Video

Tuesday October 30- Finalize Pre-Production

Production Process:

Wednesday October 31- Begin Shooting

Tuesday November 6- Rough Draft Peer Critique on Video 1

Wednesday November 14- FINAL DRAFT of the 1st video due at the END OF THE DAY

Friday November 30- Rough Draft Peer Critique Video 2

Wednesday December 6- FINAL DRAFT of the 2nd video due at the END OF THE DAY

Wednesday December 19- Rough Draft Peer Critique Video 3

Friday January 11- FINAL DRAFT of the 3rd video due at the END OF THE DAY


Pre-Production 100 points

Production work 300 points

Rough Draft Peer Critiques-- 100 points

Final three projects due on time-- 300 points